Finding Great Health Care

What To Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery

by Fred Davidson

Knee replacement can be a tough surgery to go through. You were injured or had years and years of living in pain from some other type of issue, leading you to surgery on your knee and having it replaced. If you are having knee replacement surgery, the end result you want is to walk freely without feeling the pain with every step. The recovery time after having knee replacement surgery is just as important as the surgery itself. If you are going to be having knee replacement surgery, you may be wondering what to expect with the recovery time. Read on for information to use to help you with your recovery.

Follow Your Surgeon's Advice

Your surgeon is going to give you advice after your surgery. Your surgery may be quick, but the time afterwards is going to be work on your part. You need to follow the instructions given to you by your surgeon and do everything your surgeon tells you, including following a schedule of when you should be walking and how much you should be doing.

Go To Physical Therapy

Go to physical therapy and get the therapy you need after your surgery. You are going to need to do physical therapy in order to recover properly from your surgery. You may think you know how to walk after the surgery, but you may end up favoring your other leg too much and could put the other leg in jeopardy. If you aren't putting weight on the new knee, you could also end up with scar tissue and tight muscles, which may lead you to also limp and you could reinjure the replacement knee. You need to go to physical therapy and stick to the schedule in order to get the most out of your physical therapy.

Do Home Exercises

Be sure you are doing your home exercises that your physical therapist suggests. You are going to be given "homework" by your therapist that you need to follow in order to heal properly. Don't sit for too long and don't do too much too soon, or you could end up injuring your knee again.

If you are going to be having knee replacement surgery, you may not know what to expect afterwards. But you don't need to worry about it. Talk to your surgeon about what you should expect to help ease your anxiety about having this surgery.
