Finding Great Health Care

Should You Be Worried About Hearing Loss?

by Fred Davidson

You are meant to connect with other people through communication. And a big part of that involves listening. But sometimes, hard as you may try to listen, you may find that you are not hearing or that you are not hearing clearly.

So are you really suffering hearing loss? Is it them or you?

Left untreated, hearing loss will gradually isolate and frustrate you. It will eventually interfere with normal life.

Below are a few signs of hearing loss and tips on what you can do about it.

  1. If you are frequently asking people to repeat what they said, it could be that you're experiencing hearing loss. You may also find it difficult and tiring to follow conversations in noisy environments.
  2. You find yourself straining or asking people to speak louder or more clearly.  
  3. You need to turn up the volume of the radio or TV to understand what's being said.
  4. You can hardly hear somebody who's speaking to you from a different room.
  5. You are experiencing a rapid decline in hearing.
  6. You are having a hard time hearing telephone conversations.
  7. You have a hard time understanding women and children. In hearing loss, high-pitched sounds are typically the first to go.
  8. You have a ringing or buzzing sound in your ear.

Get a Professional Diagnosis

If you suspect hearing loss, you need to take immediate action. Have your hearing checked. You could choose to go online as a first step. However, note that online diagnoses are not conclusive. They may not detect fluctuations in hearing or different levels of hearing loss between the two ears. So, the best solution is to get a professional assessment by a qualified doctor. If they diagnose hearing loss, they may refer you to a specialist.


Sometimes, hearing loss is caused by a minor ear infection that can easily be treated with antibiotics. In rare cases, it can be the result of a tumor.

Your doctor may prescribe hearing aids or some other kind of technology such as Bluetooth or mobile apps. Discuss your options with your doctor.

If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, know that it is not the end of the world. You can still lead a normal and fulfilling life. The key is to seek help quickly to prevent further decline or even permanent hearing loss.

So if you suspect hearing loss, do not worry; instead, get proper diagnosis and treatment from your family medical services provider. 
