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The Struggle With Fertility: 3 Options To Consider When Trying To Conceive

by Fred Davidson

If you've been trying to get pregnant for a while and are having the toughest time conceiving, you may feel depressed, upset, and unsure of what to do next. There are many women who suffer from infertility issues. Unfortunately, most of these women are suffering silently and aren't vocal about their problems because it makes them sad to talk about.  Rather than allow yourself to feel hopeless about the situation, know that there are different things that may help boost fertility and increase the chances of conception.

1. Focus on Improving Your Health

If you're currently overweight or even underweight, it may be even more difficult for you to conceive. When you're overweight or underweight, your hormones may be slightly out of whack, thus causing your ovulation dates to vary tremendously. Your goal should be to start exercising while eating healthy and wholesome meals each day to get in the best possible shape while you try to get pregnant. Once you've reached a healthier weight, you may start ovulating regularly.

2. Take Your Vitamins Each Day

Most women think they'll only need to start taking vitamins once they've conceived. However, it's often recommended that women start taking some vitamins while trying to conceive. If you're not already taking them, consider going to your local pharmacy to grab some multivitamins that contain plenty of zinc. The zinc in these vitamins is naturally good for the development of the baby. If you're taking these vitamins at least once a day, you may be able to improve your chances of conceiving.

3. Talk to an IVF Specialist

If you've tried different tips and haven't had much success, you may feel like there is no hope, but there is an additional type of treatment offered to women who have fertility issues. The IVF procedure has helped thousands of women conceive the baby of their dreams. The procedure involves extracting eggs from the woman and fertilizing them with the partner's sperm. Once the eggs are combined with the sperm, they're manually placed inside of the uterus with hope that a baby is conceived.

The procedure itself is not painful. It's important to understand that you'll need to be sedated while the eggs are retrieved. When you awaken, you may experience some cramping, which should feel a lot like your menstrual cycle. You won't need to be sedated for the placement of the fertilized eggs inside of the uterus. The IVF specialist would continue to monitor you and perform routine examinations to determine if the procedure was a success. It's an option to consider if you're not having any success on your own.

Many women suffer with fertility issues and are worried they may not be able to have a baby of their own. If you're feeling this way, try to focus on improving your health and take daily vitamins to possibly improve your chances of conception. And, if you're not having much success with those alternative options, you could talk to an IVF specialist about undergoing the IVF procedure.
