Finding Great Health Care

3 Things Parents Should Know About Taking Their Child To The Doctor

by Fred Davidson

Knowing when your child is sick can be confusing. There are many parents who wrestle with the concern that they might be harming their child cause they don't take them to the doctor, but then they also worry about spending the money for unnecessary visits. Here are some reasons to see pediatric doctors:

1. Head Injury

Head injuries are very hard to tell if they are serious. Children fall all the time, and they are used to hitting their heads. Luckily, children's heads and skulls are pretty resilient so in order to get a concussion or serious head injury the child would have to have hit their head incredibly hard, or just at the right spot. If the child hits their head and then they are acting strange like they can't walk in a straight line, they are highly irritable, they vomit, or they complain of a persistent head ache, you might need to take them in. If after falling they cry for a couple minutes then get back to what they were doing and see to be acting normally, you are probably ok.

2. Stomach Pain

Another common complaint of children is stomach pain. It is very normal for children to have stomach aches and even to vomit once in a while. If the child is acting sick but is just sleeping, using the bathroom, and still drinking they should be fine. The concern comes when the pain is sharp and painful. You should also be concerned if the child is unable to eat or drink anything. They could get dehydrated and this could become serious. Additionally, if the stomach ache persists longer than a couple days, or if the child has stomach aches often you should talk to a doctor. They could have food allergies, an autoimmune disease, or be suffering from a traumatic event.

3. Fever

Fevers are another common problem for children. Their little bodies are learning how to combat illness, so it is not uncommon for them to run a fever every now and then. If a young baby is running a fever, take them to the doctor. Children under the age of 6 weeks old shouldn't be running fevers. If the child is over 6 months and is running a fever over 101.4, especially if it gets higher than 103, you should take them to the doctor right away.

By understanding these things you can know when to take your child to the doctor. 
