Finding Great Health Care

If You're Constantly Tired, Your Primary Care Doctor May Be Able To Help

by Fred Davidson

Being constantly tired can dramatically affect your quality of life. When you're overly fatigued, you may rarely do things that you enjoy, you may struggle to keep up at work, and you may even have conflicts with your family. Instead of accepting that things need to be this way, it's a better idea to seek help from a medical professional. Schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor to talk about what you're experiencing, and he or she may be able to assess the reason for your fatigue or refer you for some testing that will shed a light on the situation. Here are some potential causes for your chronic fatigue. 


Sometimes, people know they're extremely stressed, but may not associate this situation with their fatigue. In other cases, it's possible to be somewhat unaware of your stress, or at least unaware of the degree to which it's impacting your life. Stress can often result in fatigue; the busy nature of your mind throughout the night, for example, can impede your ability to sleep soundly. If your sleep is disrupted chronically, you may be highly fatigued. Your primary care doctor will talk to you about any stresses in your life to assess the degree to which they're bothering you. He or she may then refer you to a therapist.

Food Intolerance

People who have undiagnosed food intolerances can often fight fatigue throughout the day. Such people may unknowingly consume foods that don't agree with them, resulting in feelings of fatigue or in a feeling of a general brain fog. Your primary care doctor will talk to you about when your fatigue is at its worse, listening for clues that can suggest if a food intolerance is at play. For example, if you're often tired after you eat, you may be eating something that doesn't agree with you. In such a scenario, your doctor will send you for testing with an allergist.


People don't always associate pain with fatigue, but the reality is that when your body is sore, fatigue can also develop. For example, if you have chronic migraines, one of the side effects that you may experience is feeling tired much of the time. Although you should always consult your doctor if you're in pain for any major reason, you might be in the habit of brushing it off. However, if your fatigue is getting in the way of your daily business, a visit with a primary care doctor at facilities like Port City Pediatrics can help you to address the fatigue and the pain that is potentially causing it.
