Finding Great Health Care

How To Help Your Child Feel Brave About Getting Immunized

by Fred Davidson

Many children fear the doctor and regular check-ups because of needles or shots. They know that these hurt, which can make the lead-up to the appointment seem terrible for both parent and child. Here are some ideas to prepare your child for getting vaccines so that they can be as brave as possible on appointment day. 

1. Explain what vaccines do.

Some children like to know the why behind the things people do. You might not understand the exact way that vaccines work, but you know enough to explain the basics to a young child.

You might explain that some types of illnesses can make you so sick that you stay sick for a very long time. You could say, "Some types of sicknesses can even make it so you can't see or hear. These needles with medicine in them help your body stay healthy, instead of getting sick."

2. Don't minimize the pain. 

Don't tell your child that needles only hurt a little bit or that they won't hurt at all. Many children are sensitive to pain. Instead, prepare them for the pinch by explaining that needles can hurt when they go in, but the pain is quick and we only have to do each poke one time. Knowing what the situation is helps children to have a sense of control. They will not be as afraid if they know what to expect. 

3. Give your child something positive to focus on.

Plan a positive experience for your child. Maybe you'll go to Grandma's house after the appointment or to the park. You might go out for ice cream. Let your child know what they can look forward to. During the shot, have your child talk about what flavor of ice cream they will get or what game they will play when they get to Grandma's house. 

4. Watch shows and read books about going to the doctor. 

Many shows and books help to prepare children for going to the doctor and getting vaccines. You might watch Daniel Tiger episodes that show Daniel going to the doctor. Daniel sings a song about thinking of something happy so he won't be afraid. This is a song you can sing with your son or daughter during the appointment. Remind your child that they can be brave like someone they look up to. 

For more information on vaccines and helping children through the appointment, contact a health clinic like Northeast Wyoming Pediatric Associates Pc.
